The Shocker pintle hitch hook with mounting plate can be flipped around for more drop or rise (pintle hook needs to be unbolted and re-bolted to do this. Featuring and adjustable 3-3/4" wide design that is made specifically for Shocker bumper hitches It has a towing capacity of 20,000 lbs and a 2,000 tongue capacity. This pintle hook fits 2 to 3" ID pintle rings. Designed to work with Shocker Air Receiver Hitches, Shocker HD, Shocker XR & XRC series ball mounts and Shocker Impact cushioned ball mounts. Pintle is made from forged steel. Both mount and pintle hook are powder-coated black. The Rise & Drop range when used with Shocker Air Hitch is +2-1/2" Rise to 6-1/2" Drop. The range when used with Shocker cushion hitches it is +4" rise 6-1/2" drop to & XR solid ball mount is +6" Rise to 6" Drop.
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